Our Story

Who We Are

Emerge Centre for Innovations-Africa is a registered not-for-profit limited company, operating in Kenya since 2010. Since its founding, we have been keen to live up to our tagline – helping institutions work. We are passionate about achieving transformation in agriculture in Africa, and we believe that building the capacity of African institutions to embrace learning, innovation and change is key to this transformation. We are driven by outcomes and are keenly committed to making change happen in African institutions – from community to continental level. Over time, through working with more than 100 institutions, we have learned that there is no shortage of good innovation and technology in Africa and that effective change in African agriculture and rural development is driven largely by institutions that work well in terms of design and execution.

This guides our work

Our Vision

A world in which institutions, teams and partnerships are empowered through cutting edge organizational development practice to appropriately define and deliver on their mandates

Our Mission

To promote access to organizational development tools to African agriculture and rural development organizations to embolden them to initiate fit-for-purpose change management initiatives.

Building a Stronger Institutional Landscape for Agriculture and Rural Development in Africa…

Our Heritage







We consider ourselves an Africa-based think tank that clearly understands the African context, designs and provides quality and customized institutional innovations to African agriculture and rural development challenges.

At ECI-Africa, we draw on a rich heritage of a deep knowledge about Africa, and an attitude of looking out for and mentoring talent “sparks” that show promise. We have an enduring respect from our clients and the broader development community for our use of facilitative techniques as a tool for strategy, leadership and learning. We continuously strive for excellence in all our engagements, and this defines what ECI–Africa is today

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